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 How to write a proper Ban Appeal

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Posts : 18
Join date : 2012-01-06

How to write a proper Ban Appeal Empty
PostSubject: How to write a proper Ban Appeal   How to write a proper Ban Appeal EmptySat Jan 07, 2012 12:16 pm

So lets get right to the point!
To write a Ban Appeal you must post in this forum section using the format below!
(depending on what you did, you may not get unbanned)
Why were you banned:
When were you banned:
Who banned you:
IGN(in game name):

Here are a few guidlines of what to do and what not to do to get an admin to look at your ban appeal.

What NOT to do
1. Don't message/email any admin to un-ban you -.-.
2. Don't harass the admins to look at it.
3. Don't lie on your ban appeal, i will ask the admin/mod personally what happened.

What TO do
1. Wait for it to be accepted/declined and eat a piece of pie
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